The Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech
What is it?
The Educational Media Company at Virginia Tech (EMCVT) is an independent governing body over student mass media organizations of the Virginia Tech campus (including WUVT). The EMCVT board of directors is made up of Virginia Tech faculty and staff, students, and members of the Blacksburg, Virginia community. As the parent company, EMCVT owns the copyrights on all media produced by its divisions.
Under EMCVT, the student leaders of each division form a board called the MAT. The MAT elects the position-equivalent of a general manager and a business manager for each division each spring or as necessary.
Linked below is each division, including the Silhouette (where you already are!). Take a look around -- long live student media!
EMCVT Divisions
The Bugle – 1895-2022 (this publication no longer exists, but archives are available!)
The Collegiate Times – Since 1903
WUVT FM 90.7 – Since 1969
Silhouette Literary and Arts Magazine – Since 1978
Virginia Tech Television – Since 1988