Fine Art in Quarantine?
Stay at home orders have caused people to cease from frequently pretty much all public spaces. Although maybe not something at the...
Caitlin Beaver
May 12, 20202 min read

Stay Sane in Quarantine with Escapril
With all of us having to socially distance in our own homes these days, there’s very little structure to our daily lives. I no longer...
Isa Diaz
May 12, 20203 min read

Quarantine Boredom - Painting My Nintendo DS
Recently, in an effort to stay entertained through my lectures that somehow seem to last longer and longer as the weeks go by, I’ve...
Caitlin Beaver
May 12, 20202 min read

A Poetry Series - A Certain Kind
The love he gives me is the kind of love I hope everyone has the privilege of knowing at least once in their life. That kind of love— how...
Michelle Garcia
May 12, 20202 min read

Quarantine Edition: Getting Crafty
The continuation of life in quarantine has led me to begin many different crafting projects. I began with making friendship bracelets,...
Caitlin Beaver
May 12, 20202 min read