Clare Carter
Mar 26, 20181 min read
Winter in the Spring???
I know it must be more than a bit disheartening to look outside on the first day of spring and see snow falling from the clouds…. and...

Hannah Goode
Feb 5, 20182 min read
Cheap Valentine's Day Gift Ideas
Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it—but, if you still don’t have a gift for your special someone, parents, or friends,...

Clare Carter
Feb 3, 20182 min read
New Year, New You!!
Just kidding. But in this little article, I am going to talk about some tips on how to acclimate back into the college atmosphere… Now, I...

Clare Carter
Dec 11, 20171 min read
Exam Week Reminders
As the time for exams comes upon us, students start to want to curl up into a ball and cry in their dorm rooms or apartments, rather than...

Kalin Benza
Dec 10, 20171 min read
New Styles in Music
Eclectic sounds and individual style is taking over the music industry. Here is a list of 3 musical stars who have mastered this trend...

Hannah Goode
Nov 14, 20172 min read
Decorating Your Dorm Room or Apartment for the Holidays
With the end of the semester hitting you like a ton of bricks, you may want a distraction from all of your stress. Luckily, with the...

Hannah Goode
Nov 11, 20172 min read
Curbing Your TV Addiction
I have a problem. I’m addicted to TV. And it’s gotten even worse since I got to college, especially with the convenience of Netflix and...

Clare Carter
Nov 7, 20172 min read
New Movies
I always love it when I am surprised by movies. This post might turn into another “try new things” inspirational talk, but I think it’s...

Hannah Goode
Oct 30, 20172 min read
How to Not Waste a Rainy Day
Some people love rainy days, others not so much. But just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. Here are a...

Clare Carter
Oct 24, 20172 min read
How I Edit
Editing is often thought of as the worst part of writing. Surely, not all share the same opinion, but I have that mindset most of the...