Virginia Tech: "Encampused" with Art
How far do you walk on campus every week going to-and-from classes, to the bus stop, or back to your dorm, how many times do you trek across The Drillfield for some Chick-Fil-A? I know I’m particularly guilty of that last one.

And yet, how much time do you keep your head up? How aware are you of your surroundings? Do you notice your classmates that try to wave at you as you pass by them or are you too into that new T-Swift song? Maybe you’re even the one who’s waving at your hopelessly unaware friends. But do you really take in all that’s around you?
When you wait on the steps of Burruss next time, take a look around. Across the road is the Alwood Tree, behind you is a majestic limestone hall, and our hallowed memorial is before you. And this is merely one sight from our beautiful campus. Louvre-esque pyramids peek out from the subterranean Architecture studios, the Classroom Building looks more like the Museum Building when you walk in, and the Moss Arts Center is as beautiful inside as it is on the outside. All of these things are accented by an accompaniment of the chimes from Burruss, early-morning cadences from the cadets, and the band practicing. Every day we set foot on a campus that’s rivaled by none in its sights and sounds and yet, too often, we keep our eyes on our phones, checking messages, playing Pokemon Go, and changing songs despite living in an exhibit made of limestone.

I’ve not even mentioned the horticulture gardens, our iconic pillars, the dunk pond, Torg Bridge, or any number of other places that our campus is graced with. Add in a backdrop of mountains and the most awe-inspiring sunrises and sunsets and you’re left with a place that’s a little closer to magical than you’d. I know you’re busy, I know you’re figuring out what you’re doing for the weekend but please: don’t take your surroundings for granted just because they’ve become familiar. Remember what it was like when you first stepped onto Virginia Tech’s campus, walls of limestone, trees of every color, and a serenity that made that left you with a feeling that you could call this place “home.”
Among fields of green,
Halls of limestone,
Beneath a rusty sky
Is a place we call home