Kicking Off the School Year at Gobblerfest

With the coming and going of Gobblerfest, we’ve officially kicked off the school year. Each year, this insane club fair signifies the beginning of extra-curriculars and overall just celebrates what Virginia Tech is all about. When we do something, we like to do it big, meaning of course Gobblerfest is not an average club fair. Between food, rides, games, and hundreds of clubs spanning the entire Drillfield, Gobblerfest is one of the many things that helps Virginia Tech feel unique and like home. For new students, Gobblerfest signifies a chance to find a niche, whether it be in Greek Life, a sport, or any of the countless unique organizations represented. For returning students, it signifies both a chance to get involved on campus in new and exciting ways and an opportunity to spread the word about the organizations we’re passionate about.
Personally, I spent my third Gobblerfest back and forth between two things that I love dearly: my sorority, Pi Beta Phi, and of course Silhouette. I remember my freshman year, visiting Silhouette’s table at Gobblerfest, starting this crazy journey with the magazine. Originally, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to join the staff, but I’m incredibly glad I did. My love for this magazine started at Gobblerfest, and so getting to share my love for it with new students each year is something I value.
Silhouette made sure we had quite the presence at this year’s Gobblerfest, as we launch into our submissions campaign in the coming days. We gave out stickers created by some of our incredibly talented designers, Hana Lee and Mia Watson, as well as offered personalized sketches drawn by our art editor, Celeste Finelli. We can’t wait to see the art, writing, and photography the students of Virginia Tech have to offer this semester, as we approach the publication of our Fall ’17 magazine.
Gobblerfest may be over, but the fun of a new semester has only just begun! Get involved, try something new (and maybe even consider submitting your creative work to Silhouette)! Find what you’re passionate about, and make this year the best one yet!