New Styles in Music
Eclectic sounds and individual style is taking over the music industry. Here is a list of 3 musical stars who have mastered this trend that you won’t find on the radio!

Despite her music being filled with brewing rage and distorted instrumentation, Mitski has a personal style that exemplifies a measured, thoughtful quality. She has spent the last year on tour promoting her fourth album, Puberty 2. Her musical style is very eccentric and worth giving a listen to if you like “real life” music.
Creevy has been making music she was 15 and formed her band, Cherry Glazerr, not long after signing with the indie label, Burger Records. She is often known to perform in whatever she has been wearing that day and is even reported stripping down and performing topless! Definitely a musical star worth looking further into!
Collins began writing music about girls and civil rights while he was in middle school and ending up dropping his first album after graduating high school. However, referring to Collins as a rapper is not quite right. Much like young folk today, Collins hates genres in the same manner he hates genders; he does not conform to one genre in the way he doesn’t conform to one gender.
What are some eclectic artists you enjoy that are not listed above?