New Year, New You!!

Just kidding. But in this little article, I am going to talk about some tips on how to acclimate back into the college atmosphere…
Now, I know we’re already at the fourth week of school and you may be settled in already, but I won’t be offended if you come back to these ideas again (and again, and again) at the beginning of other semesters (Also, I know my last article before break was also tips, but I’m just full of never-ending wisdom and I need to share it with others).
Make a schedule: This can apply to any aspect of your life, but something that really helps me keep up with all of my commitments—especially when I have new class times—is to furiously write everything down. Planning out your days and making time for homework, clubs, and friends is super helpful when you want to stay on top of all aspects of your life.
Amazon!!: As an English Major, I have to get approximately 78 books for my classes, and Amazon saves my life. I totally understand if you want to order the books early from the bookstore, but I saved a good amount of money this year by buying most of my books used on Amazon. (This post isn’t sponsored by Amazon.)
Get to class early: I know that you want to sleep in until fifteen minutes before your class starts, but I can’t tell you how helpful it is for me to get to class early. Not only do I not have to fight fellow students for a desk, but during this time I can relax for a moment, instead of forcing myself to work on something or cram furiously before class starts. Usually, I just let my brain have a break by going on Pinterest.
I know most of these tips are pretty elementary, but even still, I hope they help (even a little!). Good luck throughout all of your commitments and endeavors throughout the semester!