Will We Survive October?
Is it just me or is October beyond busy?! This weekend we have the Notre Dame game which is going to be the biggest game of the season. The last 8pm game we had was against Clemson last year which was the highlight of my football season.

Fall break is in two weeks which I am personally really looking forward to. Going home for a few days is always necessary during the mid term season.
Then in three weeks, Jesse McCartney is coming to the Lyric! I snagged some tickets when they first went on sale and am so excited to relive my childhood. Does anyone else only think of Hannah Montana when they think of Jesse?
That same week is another home game. Weekday games are always crazy; my class ends at 4:45 so I am banking on my professor canceling that asap. Either way, catch me at center.
At the end of October is Halloween! Since it’s in the middle of the week, I’m guessing we’re all going to use both weekends to celebrate?
Along with all of that, October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Red Flag Campaign month! The Red Flag Campaign is through the Women’s Center at VT and seeks to educate college students about the early warning signs or “red flags” seen in harmful relationships. I am a part of the organization Sexual Assault and Violence Education by Students (SAVES) on campus and part of my job is speaking to different organizations about healthy relationships. This campaign is not specific to Tech so take a minute to google what it’s all about! Being able to spot the red flags that are, at times, easy to look past can save a life!
Stay ~Spooky~ Hokies