A Hokie's Guide to Upcoming Events: Homecoming Edition
A Hokie’s Guide to Upcoming Events
Kayla Reeves
It’s Homecoming Week in Blacksburg and Silhouette has everything you need to know to be prepared for the weekend! This week we highlight all-things Virginia Tech Homecoming.

2018 Virginia Tech Homecoming Concert
Burruss Auditorium
Thursday, November 1, 2018
8:00 PM
Young the Giant is coming to Blacksburg for Homecoming 2018! General public tickets are being sold for $30.00, while student tickets, available for purchase with a Hokie Passport, are $10.00. Young the Giant has sold out Radio City Music Hall, Red Rocks Amphitheater, and Lollapalooza.
SAA Spirit Rally
Holtzman Alumni Center Lawn
Friday, November 2, 2018
8:00 PM
Per Hokie tradition, the 2018 SAA Spirit Rally takes place on Friday, November 2. This event features the Hokie Bird, the High Techs, the Low Techs, and fireworks begin at 8:45PM. Homecoming Court will be addressing their platforms in the hour before the event, starting at 7:00 PM. Remember, Homecoming Court voting ends Friday, November 2, at 11:45 PM on GobblerConnect.
2018 Virginia Tech Homecoming Parade
Downtown Blacksburg
Saturday, November 3, 2018
9:00 AM
Another homecoming tradition is the Homecoming Parade, where local businesses and campus organizations show off their Hokie Spirit through the streets of Blacksburg. The Marching Virginians, Highty-Tighties, Homecoming Court, and Game Ball will all be in attendance. Trust us, you do not want to miss this!