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Meet the Business Manager

Hello, my name is Will Schrant, and I am going to be Silhouette’s business manager for the 2024-2025 academic year. My previous contributions to Silhouette have been as a photography editor, blogger, creator, and senior photography editor.

If you have not met me previously you should know that I am an avid artist, sports enthusiast and general nerd. I frequently dabble in watercolor, oil pastels and other artistic mediums. As for sports, I am mainly a Colorado sports fan, so go Nuggets and Broncos. In general, I am passionate about a lot of things, so I am willing to talk about anything.

This will be my fourth year as a member of Silhouette, and it has been an incredible experience thus far. All these different opportunities that I have been able to undertake and all the people I have met through this magazine is staggering. From magazine launches to simple team meetings, I have felt so welcomed within this little community that we have created, and I want to keep that feeling going for future members.

I am really excited for this year and cannot wait to talk creatively with the team. To the future!


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